Monday, October 20, 2008


Quote for today: 'Simple minds gossip about people and average minds talk about things, but great minds discuss ideas.'

My brain storms. It thunders and it flashes with lightning. I mean it, it is perpetually cloudy and raining up there in this great, big head of mine. (Ego pun intended). Not just April showers either but those impressive, clapping thunderstorms with crackling displays of light. Honestly, and my brain doesn't shut down or off like other people. It is an ongoing process and I sometimes need a distraction to buzz away all of the fluttery thoughts, especially when I am trying to sleep. If I just let my brain go and do it's thing then that is when I end up writing until the sun comes up. I believe I have too much to say for my own good. I have all of these half finished posts because I get these great brain waves that turn into unique ideas to write about but then I write half of it and decide to add on to it a little later. I end up with all of this riff raff of half posts and ideas just sloppily scattered across pages and pages of the blog edit room. I keep promising myself that I will finish at least one of these mind scraps before starting a new one, but my thoughts are so tangled and complicated that it is difficult to keep them all organized and lined up single file long enough to finish what I was writing in the first place. I will be halfway through one post and I will get a bright idea that I just have to jot down quickly before it disappears completely and of course there isn't a scrap of paper in my house, not even one, having checked. I also get writer's block easily so I will put one idea on hold and move on to the next one. I find that I want to add a bit more to my posts but I have to do some research first or I want to write in a certain way so I have to take the time to proof it. I then end up with a backlog of half posts that either need research or editing in order to go to press. So be it. See, now this post will also go into the draft pile because I don't really know what else to put in it and until I can figure that out, it goes into unfinished business. I need to add quotes, a bit about the news etc. I don't want to just post a bunch of bits and pieces. I am brighter and stormier than that. :) Maybe I need to find a way to combine some of these into real column works. I will have to see but for now, here is the draft box and in you go. I know, I know, I have to make some choices because I have to publish some of this eventually.

Did you ever notice that people don't concern themselves with days? I mean, days of the week. For example, what day of the week did you get married? We always know the specific date. Believe me, spouses make sure we know that, but what about the day? My baby girl was born on a Saturday but I didn't actually take the time to check that until someone asked me. What day of the week were you born on? Your kids? If you aren't married or don't have children then what about this, what day of the week did you graduate? Your senior prom? How about your birthday this year? People don't take these things into consideration and I am pretty sure that no one ever thought about this until now except me anyway. Think about it, one day there will be no more days of the week. One day, you just run out of days. There will be no more Tuesdays, no more Saturday nights. I know this is a no brainer but I was thinking about this at midnight yesterday, which was actually technically this morning, when my digital watch rolled over to read Monday instead of Sunday. I thought to myself, 'when my life is done, my watch will still keep on changing the days'. That is if my watch lasts that long which is doubtful so I am, of course, referring to a hypothetical watch that I might own somewhere down the line in the future. Interesting, no? I thought so. I do think too much. :) I've really gotta get some sleep for sure or else I am just going to keep on continuously posting things that make no sense and will inevitably send the guys in the white coats over here to double check my sanity.

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