Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why My Hair Looks This Way

Quote for Today: Quitters never win and winners never quit. Today, I choose to be a winner.

I am knitting. Day in and day out, I keep knitting and knitting. I am making baby toques. I could just go out and buy some but I found this really cute design and have convinced myself that I would like to knit. I started out making scarves a few years ago. Those were easier, just knit all in a row for about 500 rows and you have a scarf. Hats and toques are a bit more complicated. The thing about knitting is that it is about the most complicated and frustrating past time that I have ever encountered. The idea behind it is quite simple. You are technically just making a bunch of slipknots and connecting them all together to make a swath of scarf or hat. It is an easy concept and I assume I am getting better at it however, the most annoying thing about knitting is that one little error. It only takes one. It could be a slip of the mind, a wandering eye, a flash of distraction and crapola, you drop a stitch. Now this is what dropped stitches while knitting are all about. You are supposed to, hypothetically maybe, stitch them right back into line the next time around. This however, can not be done. I have tried and tried and can't for the life of me get my dropped stitches to close up. Inevitably, I end up with holes in all of my stitching. This means that said hat/toque is full of holes the size of your fingertip. This will not do, I am afraid because a hat full of holes is not really that useful, I suppose. Especially in the cold weather. If it was a scarf, it might be done. So I take it all apart, stitch by stitch and I am proud of myself because even though I have to knit probably more than half of it all over again, I don't have to start from stitch one. So I begin again. The main thing about a dropped stitch is that you also don't notice it until you are nearly done. Then it preys on your mind and eats at you like a sick thing. You can't stop looking at it. You can't help noticing it but you don't want to start all over again so you justify. Couldn't it just be covered up with a tacky flower or something? You get so distracted by this one dropped stitch that you continue on with another dropped stitch and another until your entire project is going to be covered in tacky flowers if you don't do something about it. I want to rip my hair out. Instead, I will start all over again. Don't you dare telephone me.

Detours for driver's: Avoid Dunmore hill like the plague. It is permanently construction season on that hill. I was stuck waiting for the light that crosses Kingsway Road for about half an hour or so. Medicine Hat is not built for traffic so when we do have construction going on or a crazy rush hour out of nowhere, everything is backed up for miles because there is nowhere for the extra traffic to go. Those honourable men and women who built this city obviously did not build for growth. For some reason, the city planners decided that Medicine Hat would remain as is so therefore, there is no room at the Inn here people! This is not a place for change! Do not move here! Since we don't have space for you, all you are doing is aggravating those of us around you who were here first! You are hogging up all of the itty bitty road!! If your name isn't in the archives at City Hall then you have to git! (Of course mine probably isn't there either and I don't know if there are even any archives but it's just a shot in the dark. Really, it is about time to build some more overpasses or something!!)

Quick update of In the News:

To quote Steven Harper in his election night speech, "To every thing there is a season." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Thank you for the vote of confidence Steve. Now we can rest easy knowing that you too, like all things, will pass.
At least Harper did not get his majority government which means I can do the happy dance. Even though Stephane Dion will be stepping down as leader of the Liberals, the Conservatives will still have action heroes Bob Rae and Michael Ignatieff to answer to if they want to make any decisions at all. So in other words, they have to work together and cooperate like good boys and girls which is what they should have all done to begin with. Alas, most are too greedy and want all the power to themselves. Sad thing is, now nothing will get done because there will just be a bunch of infighting until the next election. Politicians agree on something? Ha!!! Fat chance!! At least parliament caucus meetings will be more interesting. Popcorn anyone?

I am adding this link because it suits the atmosphere of this year's election. Also because I am a big fan of Jon Stewart. So check it out:

Up too late again. Drat. :( Nite nite folks.

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